Corporate wear essentials

Whether it is in the administration, security, finance, hotel, restaurant or health care sectors, many companies dress their employees in professional uniforms. This uniform must be elegant and well-fitting in order to convey the best image of your brand. But it also needs to be practical and durable so that it doesn’t limit workers in […]

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Top Benefits of Creating Online Stores for Your Clothing Business

The most rewarding part of running a business is being your own boss. So, there’s plenty of groundwork to cover before you get to the inspiring moments. For clothing sites, clients can search for and find stores that provide any number of in-demand brand products, like Gildan and Bella + Canvas. Many of them are […]

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Back-to-school outfit ideas

Summer is in full swing, but back to school is just around the corner. Apparel professionals and student union representatives are looking for items to customize to create their back-to-school merchandising and apparel. Wordans has negotiated the lowest prices from the best manufacturers. Do you know what products to include in your back-to-school look? Here […]

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Which fabric to choose for T-shirts: cotton, polyester, or blends?

Decided to launch your line of customized and/or personalized T-shirts? The first step is to choose the ideal composition for your designs, depending on your target clientele and the use of the garments. What are the advantages and disadvantages of cotton garments, polyester garments or fabric blends? Wordans guides you:    The cotton T-shirt: quality […]

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Digital marketing tips: Social Media Strategy for your brand

In today’s Wordans blog we are going to talk about Social Media Strategy and its importance in  the highly competitive and saturated market we are in nowadays. Social media can be overwhelming at first because of the constant changes and new features that forces all brands to keep up to date. But having a strategy […]

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How small businesses can celebrate Pride month

June is Pride month, the month of celebration for Pride, the sexual freedom march. A colorful event for which small textile entrepreneurs can sell many products. Follow the guide with Wordans.   What is Pride and how can I enjoy it? Every year in June, thousands of people dress in rainbow colors to demand sexual […]

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Successful Digital Marketing Strategy: Search Engine Optimization

Welcome to another Wordans blog providing professional advice on how to create a successful digital marketing strategy for your business. Whether you´re already a business owner or you´re thinking of starting one, we have gathered essential information that will help you to create an outstanding marketing strategy that will raise your brand awareness and enhance […]

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The E-commerce Starter Pack: 5 must-have products for 2022

This year seems to be an excellent year for textile e-commerce. Do you want to start your business? But you don’t know yet which products to choose to commence? Follow the guide! The year 2022 is an excellent year to start an online business selling customizable plain textile products. Today, there are many plain items […]

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Why is 2022 the best time to launch your customizable textile e-commerce business?

Want to start your online business to market your personalized and/or customizable clothing? Today at Wordans, we will explain why 2022 is the best time to launch your customizable textile e-commerce business?   After two years of pandemic, generalized inflation and a still too uncertain economic situation, many of you are hesitating to start an […]

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Customer success story: Interview with Eva from Atelier Hibou Blanc

Let’s continue with our creators month celebration! If you´re our regular blog follower you may already know that in April, at Wordans we pay special attention to all fashion entrepreneurs running custom apparel businesses. For this reason, we decided to dedicate this month to our most talented creators and embrace their success story in our […]

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