Wordans Fashion – Be your Brand

Wordans gives you the tools and service you need to be your brand. From custom t-shirts to online shops, screen printing to DTG digital printing, Wordans can find the perfect match to fit your needs.

Whether you’re looking for a unique custom t-shirt, or want to start your own designer t-shirt line, the Wordans team is ready to help you wear your dreams.

Take Catherine, a young designer from Montreal who is also a full time student. Using our high quality on-demand digital printing and free professional artwork rendering services,  Catherine was able to make high quality samples for her t-shirt line at a fraction of the cost normally required.

A couple of shirts later, she was able to organize a great looking photo shoot and upcoming fashion show to launch her new brand. With our upcoming new shop system, BBB clothing will be available for sale on her very own Wordans online shop.

Get  creative! Create your own custom t-shirts and see what fresh ideas can come out of YOUR mind!

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