Successful Digital Marketing Strategy: Search Engine Optimization

Welcome to another Wordans blog providing professional advice on how to create a successful digital marketing strategy for your business. Whether you´re already a business owner or you´re thinking of starting one, we have gathered essential information that will help you to create an outstanding marketing strategy that will raise your brand awareness and enhance your profits. Today, we are going to explain more about Search Engine Optimization (SEO), which is important for your website to be more visible and have greater authority in web search engines.

Carrying out a successful SEO strategy will help more people find your company’s website and thus attract more potential customers. 

What is the purpose of SEO? The idea is that your website appears at the top of the first page of search engines, since we know that these are the ones that are most likely to be consulted.


SEO Strategy To be the First in Google 

Create a buyer persona according to your business 

In order to have a more accurate understanding of who you are going to sell your products or services to, it is essential to develop your buyer persona, that is, the fictitious and generalized representation of your ideal client. This profile helps us relate to our customers as real human beings.

For example, you may know that most of your clients are women with an executive profile, but do you know what their specific needs and interests are? Do you know what their challenges and goals are, both personally and professionally?

Done, but how do you create a buyer persona? You can resort to research, surveys and interviews of your target audience. In the initial stage, you lean on your current customer base, as they have purchased your products or services in the past, and interview them, either in person or over the phone.

Knowing who your buyer persona is a very important information that you must take into account at every step of any strategy. It is a task that not many give the priority it deserves and, without a doubt, can determine the success of your web positioning strategy.

Identify the keywords

When you already have your buyer person identified, the next step in your strategy is to analyze what type of searches they do and what are the best words to position your website.

You can rely on the Google Trends tool, which allows you to see what people are searching for on Google. If you have a Google Adwords account, you can also use the free Keyword Planner tool, which helps you find the words or phrases that users search for the most according to language and country.

A good rule to follow to speed up your work is to organize keywords by categories or services and in order of importance.


Analyze your competition

After identifying which keywords you want to be associated with your website, it is important to look at which companies have authority in the searches where you want to appear.

A good tool that you can use is Screaming Frog, which can help you to know what words the competition uses and how the content is structured. If you want to start analyzing your competition, I recommend that you learn how to use Screaming Frog to make your life and SEO strategy easier.

Take care of your images

Your entire website should be SEO friendly, including images. When naming your photos, make sure you name the file correctly. For example: if the image is of a landscape of the Eiffel Tower, the file name should be “tower-eiffel-paris.jpg”. The idea is that Google can know what the image is about, in this case, the keyword is Eiffel Tower, since it is the main subject of the photo.

Another factor to take into account is the loading time, since it is important for SEO. The faster the site, the easier it is to visit and index a page. Images influence the time a website loads, especially when a large image is loaded and displayed very small.

Details make Google fall in love

The success of your SEO strategy is the accumulation of many small details that, little by little, add up points with Google. The truth is that a website must have certain specific configurations to carry out successful positioning in web search engines. Here are some details to keep in mind:

Meta description: This is the text that appears in the search results (SERP). The meta description does not affect your SEO directly, but it is an important tag because it influences the number of visits you receive from search engines. When you write the meta description of your pages, try to include your keywords and a call to action (“get to know us”, “visit us”, “quote today”, etc.). Remember that it should not exceed 155 characters.

For example: “Discover the latest beauty trends in “company name”. We have a selection of makeup, skin care, accessories and much more. Get in now!”

Personalize your links: make sure to personalize your URLs according to the content of each page of your website and including your keywords.

For example: if a page talks about skin care products, the URL should be something like

Create your favicon: the “favorite icon”, also known as ‘favicon’, is the small image that appears in the address bar, favorites and bookmarks of your browser. Most of the time the company logo is used and it has a size of 16 px by 16 px.

Fix broken links

It has surely happened to many of us that we are visiting a website and then ending up on a 404 error page. These broken links are not only annoying but can also harm your SEO efforts. 

When your visitors discover that they have broken links, they will not want to continue browsing other pages, and if your visitors spend less time on your site, web search engines will assume that you are not providing a good user experience and will lower your web ranking.

Therefore, it is important to fix these links by redirecting them, permanently or occasionally, to other pages that are active.

Use your own links

When writing content for your website, especially when it comes to your blog, try to let one topic lead to another to prolong the time your readers spend browsing your site. How to do it? Use internal links, that is, the links that go from one page to another on your website.

If you write an article, try to link it to another article on your blog within the same text. You have to be clever in the writing and think about how you are going to link it so that it is consistent with the rest of the article.

Analyze and measure your SEO strategy

A good place to get this information is through Google Search Console, a free tool that helps you analyze, optimize and verify the status of your site in web search engines. It shows you all the errors that Google finds when reading your website so you can solve them faster.

Similarly, you can’t forget to link your site to Google Analytics, Google’s free web analytics tool. It is essential to have this tool to analyze all your online traffic and determine your marketing metrics; Some that will help you evaluate your positioning are the number of sessions, traffic by channel, new and returning users or total conversions, among others.

Who perseveres, achieves

A web positioning strategy requires a lot of patience and dedication. You cannot expect great results if you are not willing to invest the time it takes. In order not to miss a beat, it is essential that you organize yourself, so develop a plan of monthly objectives with the different SEO tactics that you are going to implement to have greater control of your actions and thus be able to evaluate them.


We hope that you enjoyed our article and found helpful information that will help you to grow your business. Stay with us for the upcoming series of our Digital Marketing tips and in the meantime, we invite you to visit our page to discover our blank apparel offer and don’t forget to check our instagram page @wordans_canada for daily inspiration.


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