The answers provided in this FAQ section are intended for general informational purposes only. In the case of any inconsistencies or discrepancies between the content in this FAQ and our Terms and Conditions, the Terms and Conditions will prevail. For more detailed and legally binding provisions, please refer to our Terms and Conditions.
Where is my order?
You can track your order at any time. When your order is confirmed you will receive a confirmation order id by email and when it's being shipped you will receive a tracking number which you can use to follow your items all the way at our carriers website.
Please click here and enter your order id and email address to follow up on your order.
We work with the best carriers to provide you with the most efficient and fastest shipping service. Please note, the tracking number may take a while to be validated, you can see the shipping information here
If you don’t find this information in your inbox please check your spam/junk folder.
Can I add or change items?
Orders are processed as soon as you place them to make sure that you receive your items as soon as possible, so unfortunately it's not possible to add or change items.
To place a separate order, simply go here and select what you are looking for!
We will then process this new order as soon as possible to make sure you receive everything on time!
Can I cancel my order?
If you realize that you made a mistake and ordered either the wrong size, color or style, you can cancel if you let us know within 2 hours of placing the order.
You can click on the button Cancel on the page My Order
What does “Pending” mean?
Pending means that we have indeed received your order and we are reviewing it to make sure that we have all the requested items available at the closest warehouse to your location.
This usually takes no more than a couple of hours and once everything is confirmed your order should be shipped!
If we have any issues regarding the order we will contact you, if you don't hear from us then you don't have to worry!
You can always follow up on the progress of your order by clicking here and enter your order id and email address.
Orders are processed extremely fast and if you realized that you missed an item or two you would have to place a separate orders by going on the following link .
What does “Processing” mean?
Processing means that we have received your order, have confirmed that all the items are available and we are packing everything out ot be shipped to you!
Once the process is completed your order will be shipped and you will be updated with a tracking number by email, it should only be a matter of hours before you receive that email.
You can always go here to check on the status of your order and if by any chance you realized that you wanted to add items to your order you can simply choose them on the following link!
*If you don’t find this information in your inbox please check your spam/junk folder.
What does “Partially Shipped” mean?
The term "Partially Shipped" means that some items were not available at the moment probably due to split shipments from our warehouses or back orders.
In the event of a split shipment, we are sending your order from two different warehouses (don't worry, you only pay shipping once!) to make sure that receive everything as soon as possible.
Therefore, your order will be shipped in separate packages, generating more than one tracking number and with the possibility of items arriving at different times.
You will not be charged extra shipping costs.
What does "Cancelled" mean?
Your order can be cancelled for various reasons.
1# High fraud score was detected by our accounting department, therefore you should contact your bank right away.
2# Items were suddenly out of stock from the time you place the order to the time we assigned it to the warehouse (rare but can happen due to our high volume), in the case where you would be supplied with a coupon code of the exact same value including shipping costs paid of course!
3# You personally requested to cancel the order for various reasons.
Remember that you can follow up on your order at anytime by simply clicking here or place the order again on the following link.
What do I do with my damaged item?
If you received your order and a product is not to your liking you have 5 business days to claim your return. Please send an email to our support team at with the subject "RETURNS" and provide the information listed below.
Why did I not receive a confirmation email for my order?
Confirmation emails are sent out automatically from our system.
If you haven't received one, please check your junk/ spam folder.
To avoid further emails going into your junk/ spam folder, please mark our emails as safe sender or add us to your address book.
When will I receive my order?
Once you place an order on our website we will review it right away, assign it to the closest warehouse to your location and prepare / pack the requested items.
If orders are placed before noon your order should be shipping out that same day!
Then, depending on the shipping option you chose, your order should arrive within 1-4 business days.
A tracking number will be automatically sent to you by email as soon as your order ships out.