Scanning our site, you’ll notice that all the brands on our site are famous and highly reputable. The reason why we only work with these brands is that they guarantee customers of quality. Manufacturers like Champion have been making high-quality clothes for a long time and have established a level of trust with consumers. Here are other brands you’ll find in our store:
- Core 365.
- CX2.
- Devon & Jones.
- Foresight Apparel.
- North End.
- Harriton.
- Team 365.
- Columbia Golf.
One thing you should note about these companies is that they observe ethical standards in manufacturing. They don’t use sweatshops and instead treat their workers fairly. You’ll also notice that some of them manufacture clothes in the USA, where worker protection laws are very strict.
Beyond that, these companies take steps to lower their carbon footprint. They minimize the amount of waste they dispose of and even use recycled materials to manufacture clothes. Something else you should note is that they contribute positively to the communities where they operate.
With all these facts, you’ll be able to enjoy a guilt-free shopping experience at Wordans.